Who’s Sonti Lee? Bio, Age, Net Worth, Death

Who is Sangoma Lesego Sonti Lee? Bio, Age, Net Worth, Death

Who’s Sonti Lee? Bio, Age, Net Worth, Death

Here we have the brief profile of a South African socialite, Lesego Sonti Lee Sonti aka Dogo Manzini who was a socialite and popular amongst her fans on the popular Asian social median, TikTok. Since her unfortunate death many have been wanting to know more about her.

On this page, we have some information about Lesego Sonti Lee Sonti like her biography, her age, how much she might had worth, what caused her death etc.

Sonti Lee Biography

Gogo Manzini was a South African lady who had been a Sangoma from Pretoria in South Africa. Before her death, she lived close to Klipgat, Tshwane South Africa. She was famously widely known for her beautiful dance moves and the aura she carries wherever she visits. It is remarkably clear that the young lady was the type who loved the life of a party and could be seen dancing mostly in traditional clothing.

For some who do not understand what Sangoma term means, it is simply a traditional healer, or a diviner. Gogo Manzini was a very popular name not just in South African but in the whole African continent, especially when it is about Sangoma in Africa. She was also said to be highly influential person and active in her community.

Sonti Lee Age

The age of the dancer is not certain when she died, but from her pictures and videos, it is safe to assume that Gogo Manzini aka Lesego Sonti Lee should be in her mid 30s.

Sonti Lee Net Worth

She has not publicly declared her worth, neither has she talked about her assets, however, for a Sangoma  and a socialite, we may estimate her net worth to be about $250,000.

Sonti Lee Death

It is quite unfortunate that the beautiful soul was murdered in January 2023.  Her friends, family and fellow groovists from Tshwane are mourning sangoma Lesego “Sonti Lee” Sonti’s demise, who was fatally shot outside a tavern in Klipgat, Tshwane on 10th  January (Tuesday).

The dancer was also shot along with her reportedly businessman boyfriend.

Some video clips surfaced on the internet, it shows her lying in a pool of her blood with bullet hole wounds on her face.

On the 30-seconds video clip, people around the body could be heard saying that someone should call 10111, while others were trying to check if she was still breathing.

Sonti Lee was a beautiful socialite in Tshwane, who was common for her good bacardi dance steps. Some also believes that she was one of the most beautiful and astonishing women in their kasi.

North West police spokeswoman Lieutenant-Colonel Amanda Funani stated that the police are investigating two counts of murder. She said, “Suspects are unknown, so there are no arrests yet. The motive for the killings is still unknown.” 

RIP Dogo Manzini

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